Welcome to Flume

Your ultimate platform for E-commerce Studio and Content Production Management.

Flume’s intuitive design handles complex workflows easily, enforcing
best practice processes and providing users full visibility of the entire
production unit.

Designed & Built by Industry Experts

Flume enforces best practice production processes, without interfering with any of your existing creative processes.

Scalable Platform

Our cloud-based subscription software allows for growth in-house and collaboration with 3rd parties.  The ability to manage your production through a web browser means you can work on the move and across geographic locations

Intuitive Planner

Drag-and-drop interface handles non-linear workflows with ease and provides built in capacity and resource planning. Visibility of each item’s status in the workflow creates flexibility for users to carry out work efficiently.

Real-time Metrics & Reporting

Reporting through dynamic graphs allows management to gather data on your production throughput, team members, individual services and work spaces over user-selectable periods of time. The live Dashboard generates top-line production metrics, providing your managers with departmental performance reports.

Cloud-Based Plug & Play

Secure cloud-based software promotes scalability and peace of mind. Plug and Play means no installation or integration required and works seamlessly alongside all your current industry standard systems.

Agile Workflow

Flume allows you to assign roles and permissions to each of your team members, offering them specific access to relevant parts of the system and empowering them to clearly identify and manage their own workload.

Full Quality Control

The QC module allows for comprehensive quality management. QC Images and Content at the same time in the user-friendly viewing window. QC Approve or Reject individual items or in bulk and add notes or tags to communicate effectively with team members.

Knowledge Base

A comprehensive Set-up Guide is provided for your Production unit, encouraging a robust foundation for your operation right from the start.  A full knowledge base, is also provided as part of your subscription.